Marietta and beyond
Client: Christiane Marshall
Project: After a rebranding session, the focus zeroed in on the wellbeing of the community and the local economy. The rebranding included a new logo, a quarterly PDF & print version of the online magazine, and a weekly newsletter of community events.
A schedule for social media postings, article creation were also incorporated.
The website, magazine, and collateral and sales material all developed/designed to reflect the new brand.
Link to the latest issue of the magazine:
Quarterly Print + PDF version of the magazine

The idea: streamline everything and combine well being and economic growth.
What we started with: Although there had been several writers originally it appeared that they stopped writing for the site over a year ago and the only new posts were events that rarely included photos. Because of the nature of the original inception of the online magazine, there were more than a dozen categories. This made finding any articles harder.
The Pros: The magazine’s Facebook page had decent number of followers and consistent conversations/reach.
The area was pro-business – Main Street project and Building Bridges to Careers are very active in Marietta.
Marietta boosts beautiful old buildings, active arts community, a private liberal arts college, bespoke makers of fine gifts, beautiful river front, and a wonderful mix of restaurants and things to do. Marietta has the things, places, events that should attract business.
The focus started with a commitment to articles that would enhance economic growth and well being. Going from just online to actual magazine in both PDF and print form to give people something tangible to share.