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2006 Fort Davis, TX – McDonald Observatory
Texas Titans Each Fall the ATS has held its annual meeting in proximity to historic observatories and astronomical instrumentation in the United States, Canada, and more recently, in Europe. The Society also rotates its meetings to varying locations to best...
2005 Cincinnati, OH – Cincinnati Observatory
Cincinnati Observatory Each Fall the ATS has held its annual meeting in proximity to historic observatories and astronomical instrumentation in the United States, Canada, and more recently, in Europe. The Society also rotates its meetings to varying locations to best...
Denver, CO – Chamberlin Observatory
Rocky Mountain High Date: September 26-29, 2003Location: Denver, CO, USA Highlights: On September 26 through 29, 2003, the Antique Telescope Society held its 12th annual convention at the historic Chamberlin Observatory, Denver University in Denver, CO. The program...
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