Meet Tim Jon Mitts
Before you vote, you deserve to know I am not a career politician. I am a person just like you.
I grew up in a family of eight kids. We weren’t rich. I know the value of a dollar. I moved here 10 years ago. I love Orange County and its people. I am the father to 3 amazing daughters. I am proud to call this area home.
It is an incredible part of New York full of diversity, culture, history, and opportunity.
And I have emerged myself in all of it from the renovation of RestHaven to a Flag rededication, to the annual much-look-forward-to Christmas event where Santa lands by helicopter at the front gate of Museum Village. Currently, I am working on rehabbing Pine Bungalow Colony.
Why I’m Running
Putting what’s best for the area ahead of partisanship is my priority in as NYS Senator representing the 42nd District. I decided that if I become a state senator I can be more effective in stopping those who abuse our constitutional rights.
I have proved myself to be a defender of our constitutional rights.
- I believe in strong accountability!
- I believe in the Constitution.
- I don’t like special interest getting special deals.
- Elected or not I will continue to fight the abuse of power.
- I don’t believe that the government should tell us how:
- To use our land as long as it is used within the realm of what’s approved.
- Raise our children.
- Be involved in our personal lives
I have learned a lot. But mostly, I learned that to succeed you must be persistent and stay the course.
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