A Word about Contranyms—or Contronyms
The Grammar Floozy’s Guide to Chicago Manual of Style 5.250
Synonym, Antonym, Homonym
Most of us learned about synonyms and antonyms before sixth grade. Synonym is so much more fun to say in Latin (synonymum) or Greek (synonymon) but either way, the word means “same name” or “a word which means pretty much the same thing as another word.” Antonym (think anti-hero) means “opposite name” or “word which means the opposite.” Homonyms—like there, their, and they’re—sound alike but don’t mean the same thing.
What’s a Contranym—or Contronym?
The word contronym (as spelled in the Chicago Manual of Style)—or, in the spelling preferred by auto-correct, contranym—comes from the Latin contra (against). Sometimes referred to as “Janus words,” after the ancient Roman deity with a double face, contronyms have multiple meanings in direct opposition. Over a hundred contronyms exist, both in English and in other languages.
Examples of Contranyms—or Contronyms
Cleave – to hold tight OR to sever
Oversight – to watch closely OR to not notice
Aloha – (Hawaiian) hello OR goodbye
Apology – a statement of defense OR a statement to acknowledge guilt
Dust – to sprinkle tiny particles OR to remove tiny particles
What’s your favorite contronym/contranym?
(Yes, both spellings are correct.)
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