The Prairie’s Starry Messenger
The Antique Telescope Society’s
23nd Annual Convention
On September 26 through September 29, 2014, the Antique Telescope Society will hold its 23nd Annual Convention at Goodsell Observatory on the campus of Carlton College.
The program includes an in-depth tour of beautiful and historic Goodsell Observatory with its 16.2-inch Brashear Telescope, 8.2-inch Alvan Clark Telescope and a Repsold Transit Circle; a Champagne Reception on Friday evening; Saturday and Sunday paper sessions and members’ displays of their own collections. The traditional banquet on Saturday evening, at the Archer House will feature a keynote address. Every effort will be made to observe, weather permitting.

Goodsell Observatory – Carlton Coll. – Goodsell Observatory – 1887 – A History
Tate Observatory – Univ. of Minnesota – Minnesota Daily – March 22, 2012
Hosted by: Carleton College’s historic Goodsell Observatory Northfield, MN
- Bart Fried, ATS President, Convention Co-Chairman
- Dr. Cindy Blaha, Carlton Col. Astro. Dept., Convention Co-Chairman
- Peter Abrahams, Convention Paper Sessions Chairman
- Jack Koester, ATS Treasurer
- Dr. Walter Breyer, ATS Executive Secretary
General Schedule:
Sept. 26-28 ATS 23nd Annual Convention Sessions & Observing at Goodsell Observatory
Sept. 29 Tour of Tate Hall Obs. – U. of MN
2014 Convention Registration
2014 Call for Papers
2014 Convention Pre-Schedule